Sunday, March 20, 2011

Relieving and Relaxing

When I think of a bathroom and its multi-functional in, its a place to relieve oneself but also a place for relaxation (shower, bath etc), its an interesting contrast.  Dont worry this post is not going to talk any further about the relieving part, only to say that it is more enjoyable to relieve oneself in an environment that you like.  Ok, like I said, no more about that.

So, we have two bathrooms in our part of the house (as in the part we live in other that the basement suite). Upon moving in we decided that at least one must be functional.............and thats the way it remained for a while.  Our master bedroom ensuite bathroom was finished before we moved in, complete with wonderfully deep soaker tub and shower, flushing toilet etc.  The main bathroom on the other hand had a useable toilet and sink but remained a bit of a construction zone for the past couple of months.  Therefore, guests were often offered the opportunity to traipse through our (not always) tidy bedroom for the opportunity to use the toilet in a more completed bathroom.  I am now happy to announce this will no longer be necessary, and yet I will still endeavour (at times) to keep my bedroom tidy!

So the history of the main bathroom goes like this.  When we first bought the house it looked like this.  Ugly in all its glory, including wallpaper, pink curtains, yellowing lino, and grey bath!

Its hard to see from the picture but this bathroom was really really long and had a lot of wasted space.  And so we downsized it and changed the layout.  It no longer has a window but there is now a spacious laundry room (accessed from the kitchen) at the end of it which does host the window.  The laundry room will be a whole other post sometime in the future!

So when we moved in, Phil had already tiled the floor and the toilet and sink were functional.

But as for the tub-surround.........well it looked like we were going for some interesting blue colour.  Infact, thats just a waterproof paint on membrane that needs to go on the walls before the tile!

And gradually the tile went on and Phil built a great area for shampoos etc

And now the bathroom looks like this

Or something like that.  The lighting in the picture is a bit off which makes the wall tile look darker than it is.  Of course I need to get some trendy wall art or shelves or something up in there and maybe a little pizazz of colour cause its quite neutral right now.

Oh and I particularly like the vanity we got from Ikea with the sizeable sink.  Here it is here

and here

Notice the Dora toothpaste and Sophia's Pooh Bear mini toothbrush peeking out of the toothbrush holder?  The ultimate in chic of course.

OK so now you know if you need a place to relieve oneself when visiting casa Knudsen, we can provide you with one!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love Home Depot much???

How many times do you think one can frequent Home Depot in the space of around 2 and half months.  It turns out rather a lot.  In the process of trying to find a particular receipt a few days ago, Phil and I had all the receipts from the reno (so far) spread out on the bed.  Turns out there were more than 80 receipts for Home Depot!!!  And thats just one of several places we bought supplies!  Yup we have a lot of receipts.  Its crazy.

Anyway, more interesting posts to come soon.  Phil has had a lot of work lately so not much time to work on the house but a few things have been done lately and others are presently being worked on.

Back soon.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little bit here and a little bit there.

Well Phil finished off the basement suite just in time for our renters to move in on the 15th but guess what, I forgot to take pictures of it.  So you'll just have to imagine, it looks great.  We are blessed to have great friends of ours living there and so we can just pop up or down for coffee so easily.  It really should help our monthly petrol/gas bill!  See how I provided both the British and the Canadian lingo there!!  Anyway, Phil finished the basement on the Saturday morning and promptly started work again in the afternoon, working for 3 days straight at a hair salon that had shut so he could do some renos for them.  He had one day off and now he's onto a 2 week job.  Needless to say, the final things that need done here at Casa Knudsen might take a little longer.  But thats ok because there's no money tree growing in the garden so its great that Phil has work.

So on his day off between 2 jobs last week, Phil spent a couple of hours up in the attic doing this

Yup, he's blowing in the insullation!  Apparently it was pretty sparse in places but its better now.  Hopefully this will make our home more energy efficient and reduce our electrical bill.  We just got our first one a few days ago - yowza!!!  Heating our fourth floor condo was dramatically cheaper.  Ah well, c'est la vie.  I am very happy we have a house now and will try to embrace the silly bills that come with it.

There's other little finishing touches going on here and there.  The proper pantry cupboard finally turned up and Phil was able to install it.  They had messed up the order and sent us the wrong size.  That was a month long saga and a half but the nice thing is we got our money back for it and now we have some random extra cupboards that we may put in the laundry room.

At this point child locks on the cupboard really help rice crispy insanity on the floor but as you can see they dont all have locks on them yet.

At this point I would just like to boast about my husband who has worked so hard to make such a beautiful home for us.  On his rare evenings off he's trying to catch up on sleep.

But equally, he can be found in the kitchen making pizza dough from scratch..........yup he is truly gifted in all sorts of ways.  The pizza was amazing.

I love him and I love her!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year, new house.

Some people have asked if I've fallen off the bandwagon but I assure you I havent!  I may have had a temporary fall off the blogging bandwagon but hey, I wasnt a regular blogger in the first place was I?  So yes it has been a busy time what with finishing off renos, packing up house, moving, Christmas, family in town for almost 4 weeks altogether, and oh did I mention the life growing in me that is wonderful and exciting but certainly leaves me feeling tired and sick (although I seem to be mostly passed this stage).

So yes we are in a NEW YEAR, full of new excitements.  We didnt move into our house until a couple of days after New Year and we are still working on settling in and getting organised.  As I write this I still here bang bang and buzzzzzzz of hammers and drills and saws from downstairs.  You see our tenants (who happen to be great friends of ours = bonus) are moving in to our downstairs suite on Saturday so its full speed ahead to get all that needs to be finished done downstairs.

So there are still some finishings that need to happen upstairs but for now let me give you a sneak peak at how its looking.

Here's my lovely kitchen with the huge island.  Seriously you could sleep on it it's so big.  We still need some barstools and Phil is going to build a book shelf on the end there for Sophia.  We also need a door on the laundry room back in the corner there.......all in good time though.

Next to the kitchen is the dining area with our mini table.  We knew it would look abnormally small now that we have lots of space.  Thats another change we'd like to make, preferably for cheap.  Maybe we'll find a table on Kijiji or UsedNanaimo someday soon.

And then the living room too is taking shape.  Window seat is still to be finished too.

Talking of the window seat.  Here is the view from it down the road to the ocean and Rocky mountains on the mainland on a beautiful snowy morning.

Until next time......